Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reasons why Barack Obama Should not be Reelected.

Here are then reasons why president Obama should not be reelected president.. Theyl have had a negative effect on the U. S. economy.

Obama continues to block deep water drilling permits in the Golf Mexico while at the same time aiding countries like Brazil to drill there. This along with other hindrances to oil drilling in the U.S. has kept gasoline prices high and caused the loss of many jobs.

Obama Care has not only caused an increase in health insurance premiums but it is also one of the biggest job killers there is. Business owners have indicated repeatedly that the uncertainties in future expenses created by Obama Care are a major reason for them not hiring.

The so called finance reform act passed by Obama and the Democrats has raised some of the costs of banks doing business which has been passed on to costumers and hampered lending.

Obama has in made a general increased regulations stifle businesses in more ways than can be counted including forcing others out of business.

Unable to get Cap and Trade passed Congress Obama has bypassed congress by having the EPA regulate Carbon dioxide as a Pollutant. This will inevitably send energy prices though the roof. Obama admitted himself this while running for president when he said that “Energy prices would necessarily sky rocket.” This will harm an already weak economy.

Obama has repeatedly pushed to bailout failing big corporations and there by preventing the correction that would have brought the economy back by now if nothing had been done.

Crony Capitalism where by the Government artificially props up favors companies that can’t survive in the free market. This actually putts other companies at an artificial disadvantage.

Obama is now treating job creators with tax increases through class warfare thus retarding job creation. This is a major part of Obama’s so called jobs bill.

Obama continues to push excessive government spending resulting from the previous eight issues sending the federal deficit and debt through the roof.

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