Monday, October 31, 2011

2012 Presidential Election and Presidential Experience

Some of the criticism a levied against Herman Cain is that he has not political experience and that his lack of such experience would make him a bad president and that we should elect a former Governor such as Mitt, Romney.

A false comparison is made with Barack Obama blaming his poor performance on the economy and other issues as being a result of his lack of executive experience. First of all Obama poor performance is more his ideology that pushed for job killing acts like Obama care and repeated stimulus while threatening job producers with increased taxes and regulations.

Furthermore Herman Cain has plenty of executive experience in the real world of business where he brought Godfather’s Pizza back from the brink of bankruptcy. His lack of political experience could be a benefit since he will go to the White House not knowing what can’t be done and it’s amazing what on can accomplish when one doesn’t know what one can’t do.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Reasons Obama care is Unconstitutional

Challenges to Obama care have now reached the U.S. Supreme Court and it needs to be struck down because it is an unconstitutional power grab of unprecedented proportions over every aspect of the lives of the American people. The unconstitutional nature of Obama care stands on two main points.

The first problem is that the act was passed in violation of Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution which says that all bills that produce revenue have to start in the house; however the bill that congress actually passed originated in the Senate and was passed unchanged by the House. This was done to prevent the bill being killed by a filibuster in the senate that would have resulted if they tried to put it through the senate again. However since Obama care has taxes in it, it is there fore a revenue act and had to start in the House but it did not and therefore is unconstitutional.

The second problem is the individual mandate that requires individual citizens to purchase Government approved health insurance. This is unconstitutional because of the fact that the Federal Government simply has no such authority to force people to by a product. The excuse given is the commerce clause which is already the most abused section of the constitution. Every previous claim of power under the commerce clause is based on a person taking action to engage in commerce. On the other hand under Obama care the Federal Government is now making an unprecedented claim of authority over not engaging in commerce by claiming that inaction is action. This is a fallacious claim that can not be allowed to stand since if allowed to stand it would literally give the Federal Government control over every aspect of the lives of every American. They are declaring the authority to dictate how every American spends the fruits of their own labor effectively reducing all of us to a state of forced servitude and slavery which is also a violation of the 13 Amendment.

Obama care is the biggest power grab in the history of the United States it is blatantly unconstitutional and if it is not stopped in will destroy and ready weak economy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Wealth Redistribution Myth

Social justice, economic justice or wealth redistribution what ever term is useed the idea is the same. The myth is that through taxes the Government takes the wealth of the rich and redistributes that wealth to the poor to raise them out of poverty.

The idea of wealth redistribution is based on two false assumptions. 
  • The total amount of wealth in the world is constant. One of the results of this assumption is the notion that becoming wealthy automatically means others become poor as a result.
  • The rich just sit on their wealth such that it does nothing but make themselves comfortable.
The  reality is that the total amount of wealth is not constant because  the labor to turn raw materials into a product creates wealth that did not exist before. Furthermore since the people supplying that labor are paid they share in the wealth produced by their labor. Furthermore the rich do not just sit on their wealth leaving it in bins of money that they swim around in, they use it to buy things made by others and they invest it in one or more businesses thus providing work for others providing them with wealth they would not otherwise have.
Not only are these assumptions wrong but in practice most of the wealth taken in the name of wealth redistribution actually goes to those running the redistribution programs what portion the poor actually is just enough to keep them dependent on the system. If you doubt this look at the size of the salaries of bureaucrats some time. 
The final blow to this myth comes from look at the automate expression of the idea of wealth redistribution. If you took a population of people and confiscated all material wealth and then redistributed it equally to every one in area so that they all had an equal amount. If you then gave them the freedom to use it as they pleased with in a few years there would once again rich and poor they would not necessarily be the same people as before but the difference would still occur. This is the case because not every one would use their resources the same way. Some would blow their resources all on products the other would produce with their resources.

This is because material wealth is not the only form of wealth and no government can take away immaterial wealth. Every person as different abilities and they are a form immaterial wealth that one way or other can be used to acquire material wealth. The key is that we all have immaterial wealth and how we use that immaterial wealth often means more than what material wealth we start out with.

What is important is having the freedom to use your immaterial wealth to its greatest potential. If that freedom is taken away then that immaterial wealth gets wasted. Efforts to redistribute material wealth by force only encourage the squandering of peoples immaterial wealth making them poorer.

Myth Busted

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reasons why Barack Obama Should not be Reelected.

Here are then reasons why president Obama should not be reelected president.. Theyl have had a negative effect on the U. S. economy.

Obama continues to block deep water drilling permits in the Golf Mexico while at the same time aiding countries like Brazil to drill there. This along with other hindrances to oil drilling in the U.S. has kept gasoline prices high and caused the loss of many jobs.

Obama Care has not only caused an increase in health insurance premiums but it is also one of the biggest job killers there is. Business owners have indicated repeatedly that the uncertainties in future expenses created by Obama Care are a major reason for them not hiring.

The so called finance reform act passed by Obama and the Democrats has raised some of the costs of banks doing business which has been passed on to costumers and hampered lending.

Obama has in made a general increased regulations stifle businesses in more ways than can be counted including forcing others out of business.

Unable to get Cap and Trade passed Congress Obama has bypassed congress by having the EPA regulate Carbon dioxide as a Pollutant. This will inevitably send energy prices though the roof. Obama admitted himself this while running for president when he said that “Energy prices would necessarily sky rocket.” This will harm an already weak economy.

Obama has repeatedly pushed to bailout failing big corporations and there by preventing the correction that would have brought the economy back by now if nothing had been done.

Crony Capitalism where by the Government artificially props up favors companies that can’t survive in the free market. This actually putts other companies at an artificial disadvantage.

Obama is now treating job creators with tax increases through class warfare thus retarding job creation. This is a major part of Obama’s so called jobs bill.

Obama continues to push excessive government spending resulting from the previous eight issues sending the federal deficit and debt through the roof.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Importance of Being an Independent Thinker

It is important to be an independent thinker. That means thinking for your self. It does not mean you believe or think a certain way, in fact it means the exact opposite. The key to being an independent thinker is knowing why you believe what you believe and not believing something just because some one in authority told you to believe it. It means checking out what you are told and rather than just absorbing it like a sponge.

Contrary to some claims being an independent thinker does not necessarily mean abandoning one’s faith particularly with Christianity which is based on an individual relationship with God. It may be a problem for some churches or denominations but not for the Christian faith itself.

Independent thinking is hard work since it requires checking out and thinking about what you hear. However the rewards are worth the effort since it is easier to defend a position that you have thought through and know why you think it’s correct as opposed to that’s what I was taught.

Freedom of thought is the freest right that exists since it transcends physical freedom and circumstances. It is the one right that even the most tyrannical of dictators can not take away by force but has to be surrendered voluntarily. You can be chained in the darkest of dungeons and still be totally free inside your own mind.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Proof that Occupy Wall Street is not spontaneous

It turns out that Occupy Wall Street has a public relations firm called Fenton Communications that has partnered with George Soros-funded Tides Foundation to push this protest. In case you don’t know George Soros is a hedge fund billion air that has made much of his fortune destroying national currencies for personal profit. The founder of Fenton Communications also has connection to president Obama. This shows that Occupy Wall Street is hardly a spontaneous event.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Look at the Idea of a One World Government

While a One World Government is not necessarily evil or even a bad thing after all according to the when Jesus Christ returns He will set a One World Government under His rule resulting in a 1000 year golden age. A One World Government established as a republic under the principles of individual liberty and individual rights would likely result in an unprecedented level of individual and global wealth and prosperity but there is almost no chance that any One World Government actually established would be based on such principles. There are essentially five ways that a One World Government could come into existence.

1. Through global communication the differences between notations fades making it possible for the people of the world to work together establish a One World Government based on generally agreed to principles. This possibility has the best chance of producing a positive  global government, but it also has the least chance of actually occurring since any such effort would be quickly taken over by the existing power elite and manipulated to their benefit at the expense of every one else.

2. Global conquest by a megalomaniacal dictator. While not an impossibility it is highly unlikely that such an attempt would succeed unless he was supported by the existing power elite.

3. Some major disaster occurs that force the world together for survival. This is unlikely unless a plan is already in place or a potential megalomaniacal dictator is ready to seize power.

4. The existing power elite put together a plan for a One World Government behind closed doors that is set up for their own benefit at the expense of every one else and implemented so slowly that by the time any one out side power elite knows anything has happened the deal is done. This has a high probability of occurring and could at least theoretically be world we live in.

5. A combination of the above where the existing power elite put together a plan for a One World Government behind closed doors that is set up for their own benefit at the expense of every one else. They then manipulate world opinions to favor any presented version of the plan. They would then implement this plan by way of a massive global crisis that is ether real or manufactured. At which time they may even install a puppet dictator to make control easier. This is by far the most likely way that a global government would come into place, and it is also the worst and most dangerous form of a global government.