Friday, October 14, 2011

A Look at the Idea of a One World Government

While a One World Government is not necessarily evil or even a bad thing after all according to the when Jesus Christ returns He will set a One World Government under His rule resulting in a 1000 year golden age. A One World Government established as a republic under the principles of individual liberty and individual rights would likely result in an unprecedented level of individual and global wealth and prosperity but there is almost no chance that any One World Government actually established would be based on such principles. There are essentially five ways that a One World Government could come into existence.

1. Through global communication the differences between notations fades making it possible for the people of the world to work together establish a One World Government based on generally agreed to principles. This possibility has the best chance of producing a positive  global government, but it also has the least chance of actually occurring since any such effort would be quickly taken over by the existing power elite and manipulated to their benefit at the expense of every one else.

2. Global conquest by a megalomaniacal dictator. While not an impossibility it is highly unlikely that such an attempt would succeed unless he was supported by the existing power elite.

3. Some major disaster occurs that force the world together for survival. This is unlikely unless a plan is already in place or a potential megalomaniacal dictator is ready to seize power.

4. The existing power elite put together a plan for a One World Government behind closed doors that is set up for their own benefit at the expense of every one else and implemented so slowly that by the time any one out side power elite knows anything has happened the deal is done. This has a high probability of occurring and could at least theoretically be world we live in.

5. A combination of the above where the existing power elite put together a plan for a One World Government behind closed doors that is set up for their own benefit at the expense of every one else. They then manipulate world opinions to favor any presented version of the plan. They would then implement this plan by way of a massive global crisis that is ether real or manufactured. At which time they may even install a puppet dictator to make control easier. This is by far the most likely way that a global government would come into place, and it is also the worst and most dangerous form of a global government.

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