Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Importance of Being an Independent Thinker

It is important to be an independent thinker. That means thinking for your self. It does not mean you believe or think a certain way, in fact it means the exact opposite. The key to being an independent thinker is knowing why you believe what you believe and not believing something just because some one in authority told you to believe it. It means checking out what you are told and rather than just absorbing it like a sponge.

Contrary to some claims being an independent thinker does not necessarily mean abandoning one’s faith particularly with Christianity which is based on an individual relationship with God. It may be a problem for some churches or denominations but not for the Christian faith itself.

Independent thinking is hard work since it requires checking out and thinking about what you hear. However the rewards are worth the effort since it is easier to defend a position that you have thought through and know why you think it’s correct as opposed to that’s what I was taught.

Freedom of thought is the freest right that exists since it transcends physical freedom and circumstances. It is the one right that even the most tyrannical of dictators can not take away by force but has to be surrendered voluntarily. You can be chained in the darkest of dungeons and still be totally free inside your own mind.

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