Thursday, January 21, 2021

Biden's call for unity in his inaugural address has no real meaning.

There is an old saying did actions speak louder than words, this describes Joe Biden perfectly. In his inaugural address, Biden called for unity but those words have no real meaning because he is hypocritically doing the opposite.

The speech itself

In a speech allegedly about bringing unity to the United States following a very divisive time inserted divisive references white supremacy. Normally this would not be a problem after all condemning real white supremacy moments like the KKK is a proper thing to do. However, Biden was not referring to such groups base on the way he and other Democrats have been talking he clearly used that term in reference to anyone who voted for President Trump and still supports him, apparently without regard to a person's actual skin color. A speech on unity would still not be a proper time to use such terminology even if you were referring to the KKK. However, using such a bigoted term to refer to political dissenters in general, and in a speech that is supposed to be about unity, is not only inappropriate but counterproductive.

The redefinition of words

One of the tricks of the left and for decades has been redefining words to fit their agenda. They have done this repeatedly with words such as marriage, sex, gender, hate, bigotry, and many many others. Such redefinitions have two purposes.

  1. To confuse people as to what you actually mean by what you are saying. For example, the dictionary definition of hate is to feel intense or passionate dislike for someone or something. However, what the left means by hate is not wanting to give in to the demands of certain groups. By their way of thinking not giving a drunkard all the alcoholic beverages that he wants is hatred. When the most loving thing you can do is to lock the person in a room until they dry out completely.
  2. To control the ideas that can be communicated. Because we do not communicate telepathically the only method we have at our disposal is the use of words in communicating ideas. Yes sometimes pictures and numbers can be used to communicate ideas but even they need to be explained by words. Therefore if you can redefine terms to fit your ideology it can become impossible to communicate different ideas. I have had numerous discussions for leftists over the years and I have found it harder and harder in recent years to actually communicate with them. We used to have the same meaning for words making communication and understanding possible, however, that is quickly changing making it harder and even impossible for conservatives to actually communicate with leftists.
The fact that Biden is following this pattern she was he is not interested in real unity but in putting up a front for the sake of his worshippers in the lamestream media and elsewhere.

Actions speak louder than words

If a body were really interested and uniting this country again there are several things that he would do none of which he has done and is never likely to do. Doing just some of these would at least show some sincerity in his words.

  1. Call for an end to this impeachment farce. Anybody who has actually listened to or read President Trump's speech on January 6th, 2021 can see he was not trying to incite violence of any kind, on the contrary, he was trying to help ensure it would be none by emphasizing peaceful protest. Add to that the fact that it is already known that the incursion of the capital was not spontaneous but planned well in advance. All this impeachment in the continued process are doing is driving a further divisive wedge in this country. Even if he could not stop it he could at least speak out against it but he is actually encouraged it.
  2. You can stop using inflammatory language against his political opponents and including anyone who voted for President Trump.
  3. He could announce and set up a commission for the express purpose of investigating and getting to the bottom of the allegations of election fraud. After all, if the election was indeed honest there would be nothing to lose. Adding on the caveat of not running for re-election if sufficient fraud was proven that it affected the outcome of the election would help all the more.
  4. At the very least you could have not been in such a rush to undo everything President Trump did that he has the ability to undo. He could at least take an honest look at those policies to see if there are any that are worth keeping.
  5. He could have at least appointed somebody to his cabinet that would not be scary for anybody to the right of Joseph Stalin.
  6. He could at least take a stand against efforts by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Amazon to shut down conservative voices.
This is what an incoming president truly interested and bring unity back to this country would do, rather than giving a meaningless speech on the topic of unity. However, not even the most compulsive gamblers would bet on the odds Joe Biden actually doing any of these.

The reality behind Biden's words

 The unity Joe Biden was actually referring to is not truly to reunite a divided nation but one in which no dissent or opposition is allowed. Biden's idea of unity is no one being allowed to disagree at least publicly with anything he says or does. This is the way you left this work in every country where they gain power it is ultimately their only way of holding on to power. The big difference between Trump and Biden is that with Trump the division was from without in that the establishment in both parties was out to get him from day one in the lamestream media attack him every day of his presidency.  Biden on the other hand speaks unity but actively seeks to divide.

About all, we can do at this point is to hope and pray did the Republicans in the Senate will have enough guts can use the one power they have left, the filibuster, and not give it up to cause repeated gridlock is stopped as much of the damage that will occur if they are allowed to get everything they want. The simple fact is the findings call for unity in his inaugural address were totally devoid have any real meaning but empty words to give the press and other leftists something to fawn over.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Top 10 reasons the second impeachment was wrong.

There are probably more than 10 reasons why the impeachment of President Trump on January 13th, 2021 was wrong not just factually wrong the wrong in every possible way constitutional as well as morally.

10, This impeachment was hurried without any investigation. It did not even go through the judicial committee.

9. President Trump was not given an opportunity to defend himself.

8. In the house debate no real evidence was ever presented of President Trump's guilt. He was simply declared the members of Congress to be guilty. This effectively turns it into a bill of attainder something forbidden by Article I. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Section IX Clause III of the US Constitution

7. There is insufficient time to the end of PresidentTrumps term to conduct a fair Senate trial. It is constitutionally questionable as to whether or not the Senate can even legally conduct such a trial after a president has left office.

6. The same Democrats who were impeaching President Trump justified and even encouraged the riots by leftists in the summer of 2020. Unlike at the Capitol these riots including burning including the businesses of innocent people. Yet the Democrats in full hypocrisy did not condemn them.

5. There was nothing in President Trump's actual speech there was intending to inside violence of any kind let alone what we saw on January 6th. He urged the crowd to peacefully let their voices be heard. 

4. Even if there were people at that rally that were so angry that they took his words to encourage them to riot it still does not put the responsibility on President Trump. It is necessary to look at why anyone would be that angry. When you look at the two months between the November 3rd, 2020 election in this event it is impossible to legitimately put the responsibility solely on President Trump.

3. While it is true that President Trump spent 2 months contesting an election that he and many others so as twisted by fraudulent votes. The simple fact is that this process was the result of numerous eyewitnesses and other evidence suggesting fraud. These concerns were never investigated by the people whose job it was to do so but the efforts were repeatedly blocked without the evidence being heard. No court case with every loss based on the evidence they were simply thrown out of court on alleged procedural grounds. Meanwhile, the effort and anyone who backed it was vilified in the mainstream media, attacked by Democrats as being an act of inactive insurrection. They then found their efforts to discuss what they believe was happening on social media such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook only to be silenced. If indeed there are people at that rally so angry President Trump's words sparked off the riot then the responsibility falls on the media, the judges, elected officials in each state who turned a blind eye to concerns about election fraud and other illegalities. Add to that the attacks and ridicule from the Democrats, it should not be too surprising if some people snapped. If anyone, has been inciting violence it has been those government officials who have refused to do their job and actually investigate the testimony and other evidence according to election fraud in other illegalities. Along with Democrats in media personnel ridiculed the investigation along with the social network companies engaged in the censorship of the discussion.

2. There is abundant evidence but this was planned by the people who committed this act weeks before President Trump's speech. In fact, the timing of things even suggests the people responsible were not even at the rally. Let me give you a little hint it is impossible to incite violence and people who are not even present at the speech to hear it.

1. One or more BLM members were among those that breach the capital on January 6th, 2021 suggesting that it may not even have been anyone who actually supported Trump involved. If this is the case then President Trump had nothing to do with it.