Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eight Facts About Liberalism: Fact 8

Liberals can not tolerate and often seek to destroy those in opposition to them.
For the main article click here

There are many example of this but here are two current ones.

Since being nominated to be John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election, Sarah Palin has been attacked without mercy by liberals. They have not only attacked her but her entire family as well; including her down syndrome son. The reason is that she is seen as a serious contender for the GOP presidential nomination and a candidate that has a real chance of defeating Obama in 2012.  Simply put, liberals see her as a threat and so they seek to destroy her.

Without a doubt talk radio is a major force in opposition to Obama and his leftist policies. At first the liberal reaction was to bring back the so called fairness doctrine. The “fairness doctrine” requires a radio station to give free equal time to opposing views of those views expressed on the station deemed by the government as controversial. This requires so much time and expense that stations avoid any thing potentially controversial, such as conservative talk radio. Talk of the “fairness doctrine” immediately raised red flags and so liberals started talking about localism. Under localism the FCC would establish local comities populated by liberals that would be empowered to stop the renewal of radio station licenses that they felt was not acting in local public interest. The point is that both “fairness doctrine” and localism is that liberal what to silence their opposition on talk radio.

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