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I have chosen three examples of this fact. These are the economy, education, and health care. I chose these examples because virtually everyone agrees that they are problem areas.
When the public schools in a given area are not providing a sufficient education the liberal solution is to spend more money, without ever looking into what the public schools are doing wrong. The proof that the problem is not a lack of money is existence of private schools that consistently provided a better education than public schools in the same area, while spending less per student.
The Economy
Health Care
Liberals have been pushing for socialized medicine (universal healthcare) for over 10 years. The excuse given is the expense of healthcare. Once again they are trying to force change by government dictate, without regard for why healthcare is so expensive.
One major factor in the cost of healthcare is the cost of malpractice insurance. In some cases the premiums exceed $100,000 a year, and yet there is no mention by President Obama or any other liberal politicians about dealing with the frivolous malpractice laws suits and the outrageously large settlements that cause the need for such huge premiums.
Another factor is the cost of getting new drugs on the market. These costs are incurred by having to deal with government regulation. Once again this issue is not even being addressed by the President or any one else supporting his plan.
The simple fact is that liberals do not talk by about why healthcare has gotten so expensive. They just insist that so called universal healthcare needs to be passed and passed before the 1000+ page bill can even be read.
These are just three examples of areas where liberals try to force solutions to problems without considering why the problem exists. There are many other examples. To see the truth of this fact all one has to do listen to what liberals say or rather what they don’t say.
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