Thursday, November 10, 2011

Commentary on the Unites States Constitution Article 1 Section 3

This part of the constitution establishes the U.S Senate. In this part of the legislature the states all have equal representation. As representatives of states Stators originally elected by the state legislatures but it was changed to being elected by the people of the state by the 17th Amendment. This actually seems to have been a mistake since it has left the states with out actual representation and has done great damage to federalism.

The Vice President serves as President of the Senate, but only votes in the case of a tie vote in the senate. This was done mainly to give the Vice President something to do other than sitting around waiting for the president to die.

The senate also has the duty of trying impeachments made by the house. This process was seen in action for the first time when President Clinton was tried after being impeached on perjury charges by the house. We also saw partisanship at its worst as every democratic Senator went in to the trial already determined not to vote to convict. The fact that some demarcates were needed to get the 2/3 majority required by this section to convict prevented

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